Angelo State University’s Global Immersion Center (GIC), formerly the Planetarium, will present two full-dome public astronomy shows during its summer 2013 schedule in the Vincent Nursing-Physical Science Building, 2333 Vanderventer St.
Each Thursday through Aug. 8, except for the July 4 holiday, “The Cowboy Astronomer” will run at 7 p.m. and “Saturn: Jewel of the Heavens” will run at 8 p.m. 
All the shows are open to the public with admission prices of $3 for adults and $2 for children, active military and senior citizens.  ASU students, faculty and staff are admitted free.

"The Cowboy Astronomer” is a skillfully woven tapestry of star tales and Native American legends combined with constellation identification, star-hopping and astronomy tidbits – all told from the distinctive viewpoint of a cowboy astronomer who has traveled the world plying his trade and learning the sky along the way.  Like astronomers, cowboys spend a lot of their time under night skies trying to read the heavens for their own purposes.  Just as cowboys roam the range looking for cattle, astronomers roam the sky looking for stars and planets.  In fact, astronomers are sometimes referred to as the “ranchers” of the universe.  

Once a planet of great mystery, much more is now known about Saturn than ever before because of modern robotic space pioneers.  Incorporating the best imagery from the Cassini-Huygens missions, “Saturn:  Jewel of the Heavens” gives audiences a close-up view of one of the most amazing and dynamic planetary collections of our solar system.  From its bizarre moons with mysterious features to the millions of icy particles that compose the enigmatic rings, this tour of Saturn goes a billion miles beyond our everyday experiences.

For more information, call the GIC at 325-942-2136 or go online to  A recording of the show schedule is also available by calling 325-942-2188.

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