'Les Miserables' might be doing well with moviegoers at the box office, but it didn't sit right with 'American Idol' season eight runner-up Adam Lambert, who took to Twitter to complain about the cast. Loudly.

After this generation's Ziggy Stardust attacked the Golden Globe nominated cast, he backtracked, adding, “Anne Hathaway as Fantine and Enjolras [Aaron Tveit] were the exceptions for me.”

As the internet's ire rose, he further explained that the movie would've fared better had the singing not been recorded live but been dubbed later on (as is typically done), but acknowledged the poor performances would probably be rewarded regardless.

Helena [Bonham] Carter and Sasha [Baron] Cohen were great too,” Lambert said, adding, “Eponine's [Samantha Barks] voice was cool too ...”

Notably absent from Lambert's praise was leading man Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, who has a background in the theatre and won a Tony in 2004 for his work in 'The Boy From Oz.'

We could understand if Lambert attacked Russell Crowe -- who, despite having his own “band,” epically failed as Javert. But there was no specific mention of his singing prowess or lack thereof, just a judgment of the cast as a whole.

Lambert ended his channeling of Roger Ebert by commenting that he's sorry for his opinion but it's the right one so, you know, neener.

Love or hate the Glambert, he can sing, and he was the only real diva at this year's VH1 show of the same name. So his points aren't without merit. But dude. Way to piss off the entirety of the Hollywood A-list with just a few keystrokes.

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