Danny Gallagher
12 Ways to Tell It’s Way, Way Too Hot
Temperatures are reaching new heights as we move into the summer. Sweltering humidity have made being outdoors almost unbearable. The sun is laughing at us.
11 Signs Your Ice Cream Man’s Business Is Going Down the Tubes
Everyone knows that times are tough, but some are tougher for others.
Take, for instance, your local ice cream man who has become an American staple, especially during the hot summer months in suburban neighborhoods around the country. He’s miserable and he spends his day in a refrigerated van surrounded by tasty frozen treats!
Mom Busted for Overdue ‘Twilight’ Book
The ‘Twilight’ vampire romance novels have earned a very captive audience with their best-selling books and big box office films. The book has also turned one woman into a captive inmate.
Horror Writer Rolling Out His New Novel on Toilet Paper
Author Koji Suzuki, the horror novelist behind the ‘Ring’ movies, has a new scary novel set to be published in America in an unusual way: it’s entirely printed on rolls of toilet paper.
14 Crazy Headlines We Might Miss Thanks to the Death of Newspapers
Newspapers have been in a steady decline for awhile now, but now it seems that the industry is knocking on death’s door or at least looking up the address to death’s house on Mapquest and trying to find its way there by asking someone on the way.
13 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job
The job market might not be so stellar but that doesn’t mean you have to stay with a company that stifles your creativity, demeans you for their profit or makes you spend long hours away from your loved ones.
But enough about every job that ever existed.
Towed Car Earns Columbus Department of Safety a $500 Billion Lawsuit
An Ohio woman took the phrase “frivolous lawsuit” to a new level with her lawsuit over her towed car.
Michelle R. Mathis of Columbus, Ohio asked for $500 billion in damages from the city after they impounded her 2002 Saturn SC2.
Have a Donut (or a Dozen) for National Donut Day
If you put down that morning Cruller or Long John because you’re trying to watch your figure or keep your blood sugar from skyrocketing, go ahead and have one. Just tell yourself it’s National Donut Day.
What Are the Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants in America?
Americans are always on the go. Jobs are scarce and careers hang in the balance, so we’re spending more time cDonaldrunning to and from the office. That means we’re also eating more on the run.
12 Chilling Comments You Don’t Want to Hear from Your Dentist
No one likes going to the dentist. Even the most routine visit can produce more human pain than a CIA interrogation or a Fellini film festival.