The stature of Donald Trump's hands came under scrutiny once again today (January 27), when a tweet alleging the president had his hand enlarged in a photo hanging in the White House set off a flurry of conspiracy theories and photo analyses both amateur and professional. Ultimately, though — and this might shock you! — assertions made on social media proved inconclusive, caused arguments, and may be false.

It all started when a now-deleted tweet claimed, "Trump 100% photoshopped his hand bigger for this picture hanging in the White House, which is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen."


Actually, it really all started back in (wait for it) 1984, when Vanity Fair's Graydon Carter called Trump's hands "small and neatly groomed" in a GQ profile. Over 30 years later, while campaigning for the highest office in the land, Trump still needed to assure America that "I guarantee you there's no problem" regarding his hand-to-other-body-parts ratio. Then all the memes happened. This is all very well established as one of the many things that chafe Trump's fragile ego, as evidenced by his most embarrassing tweets.

As such, it didn't take long for others to latch onto the theory and launch comparisons of their own, with some supporting and others debunking.

But did Trump really go so far as to photo enlarge his hand in a photo of himself and Barack Obama? No, it would seem that he did not. The lack of additional proof made the theory little more than conjecture, possibly the result of two photos taken from different angles.

Additionally, the author of the original tweet deleted it and then wrote, "I'm honestly, genuinely, really sorry. I saw an image, tweeted it because I thought it was funny and seemed true. I'm sorry for inadvertently contributing to a culture of not knowing which facts are legitimate. But please don't compare a tweet about photoshopped hands to real political journalism. This was just a mistake in something I hastily tweeted, not malicious fake news." She then added (as one can only imagine the tweets she received from the overtly racist subsection of Trump supporters), "Scroll through my mentions for some fun examples of anti-semitism on #HolocaustRemembranceDay."

All in all, a good reminder to research before you share — and that those finding fault with Donald Trump's presidency so far have plenty of worrisome policy initiatives and freedom of speech suppression to focus on before needing to resort to insulting Trump's orange skin, combover or hand size during a Twitter argument with a stranger.

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