Humility, thy name is not Drake. The Canadian rapper, who is also Jewish on his mother’s side, is a big believer in his own talent, and he should be, since his albums debut at No. 1 and he has millions of fans, spread across both male and female fanbases.

His nasal delivery is unique and unlike anything else in his genre. But he made a pretty massive, full-of-hubris claim to The Jewish Chronicle, one that might infuriate his hip-hop brethren and peers.

While Drake did give props to his predecessors, saying, “There were people who incorporated melody before me,” he finished his statement by uttering the following words: “But I would deem myself the first person to successfully rap and sing.”

Deeming yourself the first, huh?

Those superlatives are usually the accolades bestowed on an artist by critics, not by the artists themselves. There are also plenty artists in the history of the genre, many of which have come well before Drake, that have been able to successfully rap and sing, so Drake is most certainly not the first.

Drake also made another controversial claim in the feature, addressing the fact that he is young and doesn’t need to be committed or to be oh-so-serious at this point in his life. It’s a cavalier attitude for sure.

“I’m 25 and single,” the reported former flame of Rihanna said. “I’m not supposed to care about deeper things right now, I’m supposed to be wild. But there are nights when you sit back and wonder, ‘Damn, is this right?’”

It’s good to have fun, Drake, but it’s good to take stock of your life and put what’s important first. It’s always good to care about deep things, whether you are 25 or 85!

Watch the Drake ‘Take Care’ Video

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