Drake held the public in thrall with "Hotline Bling" fever in the back half of 2015, and now the video — with its made-to-be-GIFed Dad-like dance moves, neon set pieces swiped from heavily influenced by the work of sculptor James Turrell and a beat Drake admits he lifted from fellow rapper D.R.A.M.'s early 2015 track "Cha Cha" — re-enters the public consciousness in a new T-Mobile ad. A warmed-over viral video AND an added product placement? Sign me up!

The rapper, who released a new single called "Summer Sixteen" on January 30, is now shilling for T-Mobile cell phones, which was probably inevitable given the song's lyrics (he's probably been fielding offers since last October). The commercial finds Drake filming the original spot, chunky knit turtleneck and all, when he's interrupted by some suits who ask him to add some awkward cell phone contract verbiage.

"Restricted Bling" is set to air during Sunday night's Super Bowl 50, and it's held aloft by Drake's undeniable charisma. But its "Rapper Asked to Sell Out By Corporate Squares" conceit arguably falls a little flat when he's already lent his hit to a corporation in real life.

Watch the ad above — and if you think it's comedy gold, catch it on your TV screen this February 7 when the Panthers take on the Broncos and Beyonce joins Coldplay at the Super Bowl halftime show.

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