The ‘Glee‘ kids are still gearing up for graduation, and the kids are making moves towards their futures. The song features tracks from musicals including ‘Chicago’ and ‘My Fair Lady,’ as well as classic rock and hits from today. The song choices make us excited to see just what’s going to go down!

In last week’s Whitney Houston tribute episode, ‘Dance With Somebody,’ Kurt and Blaine had a lot of discussing to do regarding the future of their relationship. Blaine was mad at Kurt because Kurt was leaving him behind, but Kurt insisted that they’d prevail. In this episode, Kurt sings ‘Not the Boy Next Door’ from ‘The Boy From Oz,’ which implies that Chris Colfer‘s character may realize he’s destined for bigger and better things than his Ohio high school has to offer — but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll break Blaine’s heart, right?

Hopefully. Kurt and Rachel get the shot of a lifetime to audition for the New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts … who will get in? Will Rachel ‘Cry’ as implied in her Kelly Clarkson cover?

Meanwhile, Puck meets with his pops to discuss his future. Is the poor student going to graduate, or will the Gleeks be treated to another season — or summer school? What’s the token tough guy planning? Find out this Tuesday at 8PM ET on Fox!

‘Choke’ Song List

- Puck, ‘School’s Out’ (Alice Cooper)

- Mercedes, Santana, Brittany and Sugar ‘Cell Block Tango’ (‘Chicago’)

- Kurt, ‘Not the Boy Next Door’ (‘The Boy From Oz’)

- New Directions, ‘The Rain in Spain’ (‘My Fair Lady’)

- Mercedes, Santana, Tina, Brittany and Sugar, ‘Shake It Out’ (Florence + the Machine)

- Rachel, ‘Cry’ (Kelly Clarkson)

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