A Guide to Firewood Laws in Texas and Where You Can Buy It

As someone who loves the crackle of a warm fire, I know how important a fireplace is to many households, especially during the colder spells here in west Texas. For me, it’s not just about ambiance, it’s all about necessity. With skyrocketing electric bills that have sometimes exceeded $1,000, when I don't burn. My fireplace has become a  real lifesaver. I’ve even installed a Vestal cast iron fireplace that heats my entire house with the help of a few strategically placed box fans.

But staying warm in West Texas comes with a responsibility, thanks to laws designed to protect our environment. While it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Abilene and the surrounding Big Country, and with snow and ice in the forecast, there’s one law every Texan must follow when it comes to firewood: “Burn it where you buy it.”

Firewood Regulations in Texas

Texas state regulations prohibit moving firewood across county lines in certain areas to prevent the spread of invasive pests that threaten forests and natural resources. This means that firewood you buy in one county must be burned in the same county.

Counties Under Quarantine for Emerald Ash Borer

Several counties are under stricter quarantine due to the destructive emerald ash borer: Bowie, Cass, Denton, Harrison, Marion, and Tarrant. Moving firewood out of these counties is illegal.

Additional Restrictions for Red Fire Ants and Other Pests

The Texas Department of Agriculture has imposed restrictions on 192 counties, including Taylor County, to slow the spread of invasive pests like the imported red fire ant and the Mexican soapberry borer. Transporting firewood across county lines in these areas is also prohibited.

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Recommendations for Firewood Users

To protect Texas’ forests and resources, follow these guidelines from the Texas Department of Agriculture:

  • Buy firewood locally in the county where you plan to burn it.
  • Do not transport firewood to other counties, campgrounds, or parks.

The motto of the Don’t Move Firewood campaign says it best: Buy It Where You Burn It

Where to Buy Firewood in Abilene

Thankfully, there are several local firewood suppliers in Abilene and throughout Taylor County. Most all of them harvest the firewood locally and even offer delivery and stacking services. Here’s a list of firewood vendors in the area:

Look: Here's Where You Can Purchase Firewood Local and Legal

These are some local vendors throughout Abilene in the big country that offer firewood year-round.

Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez

By following these regulations, you’re not just staying warm—you’re helping protect Texas’ natural beauty for generations to come. So, stock up on firewood from local suppliers, cozy up by the fire, and enjoy the season responsibly.

LOOK: These Are The Things Around You That Make Starting Your Fireplace or Burn Pit Easier.

These common everyday things you have lying around that can help you crank up a heat-providing fire.

Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins