Praise Yeezus! Kanye West will debut his new video live on 'The Ellen Show' this week.

Ye will appear on the lovable lesbian's talk show this Tuesday, November 19, to showcase his clip for 'Bound 2' off of 'Yeezus.' Hostess with the mostess Ellen DeGeneres even revealed that the video may or may not feature his future wife and current baby mama, Kim Kardashian. The comedienne broke the news over Twitter:

Ha! See that 'Stronger' reference? How awesome is it that DeGeneres has a sense of humor about a line that could be deemed offensive by most others who'd be more sensitive?

'Bound 2' will be the second video from 'Yeezus.' The song, which features Charlie Wilson, follows 'Black Skinhead' in West's vast video catalog. The track features slightly romantic yet explicitly sexual lyrics, so Kardashian -- who infamously became infamous via a sex tape -- is probably a perfect fit for the clip.

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