Lady Gaga really is back in hell-on-heels form.

The singer, who went underground and was MIA while she recovered from tour-ending hip surgery in February, has slowly but surely resurfaced. First, she was in a snazzy leather and gold wheelchair. Then she was seen in kitten heels – which is like Rihanna wearing a shirt in an Instagram pic. It never happens.

She also showed off a white blonde bob and then caused a stir arriving fashionably late for the NYC premiere of 'The Great Gatsby.' But that was all child's play compared to the true sign that she is recovered: sky high platforms.

Gaga was spotted in an all black and waltzing on towering heels, ones that could easily cause her to topple over should she take a faulty step or lose her balance. We don't want her to reinjure herself, or to break an ankle, but then again, few can handle a pair of heels like Gaga can. She's probably uncomfortable walking in anything but.

We're just glad that's she back! She reportedly rocked the heels at a Versace Versus party, where she supposedly played snippets of her new album. She shared a photo of herself before the party started, which you can see below. Check out those lips. Incredibly smoochable, right? We love the berry shade of matte lipstick, too.

She's outta the wheelchair. The heels are on. How about some new music for little monsters to hear, like a single?

Lady Gaga Versace Versus
Little Monsters

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