Miley Cyrus got "Rolling $tone" tattooed to the bottoms of her feet, but this latest Cyrus tattoo isn't on her -- it's of her. And it's a doozy!

The tattoo features a cartoon Cyrus, complete with her 2013 MTV Video Music Awards foam finger and pigtails. It combines that iconic (if traumatizing) image with her 'Wrecking Ball' video look, which found her completely nude on a wrecking ball.

In this cartoonish version, however, the actual wrecking ball is crying, and Cyrus' tongue (a cleaner one than usual) hangs out of her mouth. The tattoo artist actually gave the singer a slightly bovine appearance in the face, though he insists that he was going for a "pinup" look. (That may explain why this Cyrus is a little more buxom than the real one.)

Buffalo, N.Y., tattoo artist Scott Howard posted the photo on his Facebook page, saying he doodled it for "some poor kid." "There isn't really much story," he said. "I draw all these stupid things and people actually want to get them done. Never stops surprising me ... I think it's awesome."

Considering Cyrus is a glutton for attention, both positive or negative, we bet she agrees.

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