Cute alert!

A new photo of Beyonce, with a major and massive knotted bun perched atop her pretty little head, and her bundle of joy Blue Ivy has surfaced online.

Blue is nestled in mom’s arms and she’s got a head full of curls. She also looks like her proud papa Jay-Z. Those cheeks! That hair! Blue is utterly presh.

This is one of the first shots we’ve seen of baby Blue since she was revealed online, as opposed to a PEOPLE magazine cover, which could have netted mom and dad several million in income.  They don’t need the money, but they could have donated it had they chosen to reveal Blue via a glossy weekly. Instead, they did it in an intimate and homey way that directly connected with their legions of fans.

When we first saw her, Blue was an adorable little blob, with a shock of black hair. She looks to have filled out here, and her locks have more definition. She’s so cute we can hardly stand it.

Blue has remained out of the glare of tabloid flashbulbs since her Jan. 7 birth, no doubt a move carefully orchestrated by her protective parents. This candid Twitter shot shows mom and daughter in a natural, organic state. They are just chilling.

Watch the Beyonce ‘Love on Top’ Video

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