13 Spooky-But-Not-Too-Scary Movies To Watch This Halloween Season
Halloween is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to pull down the blinds and cook up some popcorn — it’s horror movie marathon season. But what should you do if you can’t stomach scary films?
It doesn’t matter that the bar has been raised for the horror movie genre in the past decade or so. The last several years have seen an influx of well-written, masterfully acted, and beautifully shot horror movies, but it won’t make much of a difference to those of us who tense up at the first sight of blood on screen. Some people live for the petrifying thrill that comes with watching a genuinely scary movie. But that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Rather than forego the movie-watching altogether, it is possible to put together a lineup of satisfyingly spooky movies that won’t cause your blood pressure to spike.
As a matter of fact, there’s plenty of movies that make for excellent Halloween viewing, without the excessive violence and gore. For example, you could go with a satirical horror comedy that parodies the cliches of slasher films, or a charmingly campy movie that’s steeped in childhood nostalgia. Below, you’ll find a variety of popular films that are seasonally appropriate, but still tame enough to keep you from sleeping with the lights on afterwards. Gather your friends, break out the pumpkin cider, and be prepared to laugh way more than scream.
Self-proclaimed scaredy cats, we’ve got you covered this October. Here are 13 not-so-scary movies that will get you in the Halloween spirit.
13 Spooky-But-Not Scary Halloween Movies

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