For anyone who felt newly compassionate for Paris Hilton after the socialite was tricked into believing she would die in a plane crash, reserve your sympathies for a second.

According to TMZ, Hilton—who cried and screamed through a recent episode of Ramez in Control that found her in fake-peril—might have been in on the whole stunt. The site says it obtained a document penned by the show's producers that outlined the whole prank ("Of course everyone will panic, we'll be having skydivers in disguise with us on board," it said), and mentions that the blueprint was provided to Hilton well ahead of time.

Moreover, Hilton was apparently not even the first choice for the segment, which was pitched to other American celebrities in March before she allegedly agreed to be filmed. The show was said to be offering somewhere around a million dollars for whomever accepted.

The news seems especially strange after Hilton announced she was suing the responsible pranksters for causing her emotional distress, and interfering with her livelihood, which calls for frequent travel by plane. “Scariest moment of my life. I believed the plane was going to crash & we were all going to die,” she tweeted in a post that has since been deleted after footage of the show had been released.

What do you think—could Paris have possibly been in on the stunt or is TMZ off the mark on this one?

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