Breastfeeding is a hot-button topic in the world of motherhood, with some arguing against the practice, others for it or fighting to extend it or fighting to shorten it, yada yada yada.

Well apparently Shakira is all for breastfeeding her son Milan as long as possible. In fact, she loves it so much that she has some rather disturbing plans that could redefine the "family dinner" as we know it.

"Breastfeeding has been one of the best experiences of my life," the current coach on 'The Voice' explained to Us Weekly. "I love it! I can’t stop! I think I’m going to breastfeed him until he goes to college! I’m hooked!"

Sounds like the 4-month-old baby is well on his way to being Robin Arryn from 'Game of Thrones.' Yuck.

In addition to her breastfeeding addiction, the Colombian singer credits her new hobby with helping her drop her pregnancy weight, saying, "I think that it helps a lot ... I think I'm close [to my goal weight] but I can't sing victory yet!"

When that day comes however, we have a feeling she'll be able to sing it from the rooftops. Possibly with a kid who's old enough to drive swinging from her breasts.

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