More religious protests are following Lady Gaga‘s uber successful Born This Way Ball tour. South Korea had restrictions. Indonesia was canceled. Now, the South African gigs scheduled for November and December are being met with protest from Christians who are planning to try and pray Gaga away. They even staged a prayer avalanche. That sounds dangerous and downright silly.

Pray … Gaga … away? Wait, what?

While the announcement that Mother Monster was coming to entertain South African little monsters at the end of the year caused a ticket retailer’s website to crash as they tried to gobble up tickets, a small but vocal minority dubbed Christians Against Lady Gaga + Beyonce’s SA Tours have actually formed a Facebook group. These people-with-too-much-time-on-their-hands are using social media to try and put a stop to Gaga’s gigs and that of her ‘Telephone’ partner.

The group has 2,3000 members and the forum is loaded with posts calling Gaga a “filthy demon” and they want to prevent the fame monster from corrupting locals.

But this is not just a bunch of web chatter. Last week, the group staged a four day “prayer avalanche” to pray Gaga away.

A prayer avalanche? What the heck is that? And who says God’s not on Gaga’s side? She is a Catholic, you know. She isn’t a godless heathen. Perhaps this informed Facebook group should investigate the facts.

Another meeting is slated for July 7 to assess how to deal with Gaga’s impending performance.

Watch the Lady Gaga ‘Telephone’ Video Feat. Beyonce

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