Governor Abbott recently took to social media to mourn the loss of former President Jimmy Carter, but he made a major mistake that received heavy backlash.
The Governor signed House Bill 2127, which will go into effect on September 1. This bill will nullify any local city ordinances that require water breaks for employees who work in the heat and prevent any local jurisdiction in the state from passing such laws in the future.
Variable speed limits or VSL's use available information on the roadway, like traffic speed, the number of vehicles, and road surface conditions to determine appropriate speeds and display them to drivers in real-time.
In an official Press Release today (Feb 8th) Governor Greg Abbott released his "2022 Report to the People of Texas", reviewing accomplishments in Texas from the past year and looking to what he believes the future holds for the Lone Star State.
A school district in Texas is using its dress code to circumvent Governor Greg Abbott's no mask mandate executive order.
The Paris Independent School District school board in northeast Texas amended its dress code this week to require masks...
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott issued disaster declarations for multiple Texas counties along the border this week and this morning he told a Houston radio station
The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, announced that he is ending all of the statewide pandemic restrictions that were put in place last year. Measures included in these restrictions, that will be lifted on March 10, 2021, are the statewide mask mandate as well as capacity restrictions at Texas businesses.