
Mysterious Cattle Mutilations Have Hit Near San Angelo
Mysterious Cattle Mutilations Have Hit Near San Angelo
Mysterious Cattle Mutilations Have Hit Near San Angelo
We've all heard of the phenomenon known as cattle mutilations. As the common narrative goes, ranchers find cattle with organs removed as if with surgical precision. There is often little or no blood. It is unnerving to know that these mysterious events have happened here in our area.
U.S. 87, ET Highway? Roswell Has Nothing On San Angelo
U.S. 87, ET Highway? Roswell Has Nothing On San Angelo
U.S. 87, ET Highway? Roswell Has Nothing On San Angelo
Around the world, people have been seeing strange lights in the sky. Even before the Wright Brothers made their first historic flight, people in all cultures have experienced things flying around at night that no one can identify. San Angelo is certainly no exception.