While working from home, you do the best with what you have. Adam Krueger definitely is thinking outside the box for his forecast.

Over the past couple of weeks, several Texans have been doing their jobs from their homes. One of those is San Antonio meteorologist Adam Krueger. Like most meteorologists, he is used to working in front of green screen. Well, Adam doesn't have one of those at the house. He does have plenty of green grass.

Basically the way green screen technology works is that it completely removes that color and makes it transparent. You may think Adam does a good job maintaining his lawn because it was green enough to show the map that he wanted to while doing his forecast. Turns out he has artificial turf. People seem to love it and it even got the attention of CNN.

“I love that CNN wanted to share it," he said. "It's obviously nice to be recognized, but what I did is just one of many creative things produced by our Spectrum News team all the time.  I wish they could all get more national recognition.” You can see in the video above Adam talk about the anniversary of a massive tornado in Texas and the second video is how he was able to make it.

I would love to try this in my backyard, but it is littered with dog pee spots and turds. So I think I will not let you folks judge my lawn.


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