The Newest 2020 Plague: Murder Hornets
Someone is playing Jumanji because after a continent was on fire, a worldwide pandemic, and a quarantine, we now have MURDER HORNETS in the United States.
These hornets are 2-3 inches long and many experts say they can decimate the honeybee population.
The Asian giant hornet, official name Vespa mandarinia, has been known to kill up to 50 people a year in Japan.
From CBS News, a well known entomologist Todd Murray says they are not only a health hazard, they are a significant predator to bee's.
While humans are not their usual prey, their stingers are considered far more dangerous than a bee sting and can easily pierce a beekeeper suit.
One entomologist from British Columbia, where these hornets were also recently spotted said it was the most painful sting he's ever felt.
Forget fly swatters, I'll need a baseball bat...