CBS All Access has released a new teaser trailer for The Stand, an upcoming limited series based on Stephen King’s 1978 post-apocalyptic novel. The show will debut on the streaming service later this December, boasting an all-star cast including Whoopi Goldberg as Mother Abigail, James Marsden as Stu Redman, and Amber Heard as Nadine Cross. Watch the brand-new first look at The Stand below:

From the looks of it, The Stand is going to be intense. The epic tale of a group of survivors struggling to rebuild society in the wake of a deadly pandemic has been adapted for the small screen once before in 1994. But never before has the story been told in the midst of a real-life global pandemic. In fact, The Stand wrapped up filming mere weeks before the pandemic hit the US. So we know The Stand is without a doubt going to hit closer to home.

While the 30-second trailer doesn’t give us too much information, we have some pretty good ideas of how the series will play out due to its incredibly detailed source material. However, it has been revealed that Stephen King will be writing a new coda that will serve as the series finale. Even if you've read the novel cover-to-cover, you're in for a suspenseful surprise. The Stand won’t be binge-able either. Even though many of us have more time than ever to stay indoors and watch a whole series, CBS All Access will be releasing one episode every Thursday. For our anxiety levels, that's probably for the best.

The Stand debuts on CBS All Access on December 17.

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