What Do You Think of the New Facebook ‘Like’ Options?
In case "liking" something didn't really capture how you felt about a certain post, Facebook has given you five other "reactions" to help you express yourself.
Nope. There's no "dislike" option, but you do have these new ways to tell people how you feel: "Love," "Haha," "Wow," "Sad" and "Angry."
We suppose the last two are kind of like "dislike" options, right?
Well, to get to the new "reactions," just hover over the "like" button on your desktop. If you're on your mobile phone, just hold down on the "like" button and they'll pop up. It's that easy.
Facebook product manager Sammi Krug said the goal was to create emojis that would be "universally understood and equally useful."
So, what do you think? Do you like these new options? Or maybe even love them?
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