Bigger is Better In San Angelo? Check Out This Tiny Home
I am so tired of renting. It seems most apartment complexes have us over a barrel. Have you ever REALLY read your lease? There are ridiculous made up fees for everything. What they charge for pets is criminal and should be better regulated, in my opinion.
How many of us have EVER gotten a deposit back?
With the ballooning cost of real estate, home ownership seems like a distant dream for many of us. Yet, for many there could be a "tiny" solution for the big issues of home ownership. Have you ever considered a "tiny" home?
Television shows featuring tiny homes have become popular. Some include HGTV staple "Tiny House, Big Living" or "Tiny House Hunters" and "Container Homes"

Tiny homes are usually defined as a dwelling unit with a maximum of 400 square feet of floor area, excluding lofts. In Texas, in order for your tiny house to be considered a permanent residence, it cannot have wheels. You can move it to the the site on wheels but they must the axels must be removed, otherwise they'll be considered a
recreational vehicle".
In San Angelo, there are a number of tiny homes. One of my favorites is the "Custom Container Home" made out of basically a shipping container. These container houses are becoming more and more popular. Many are fully furnished with washer/dryer, shower, toilet, bathroom stink, electric stove, refrigerator, kitchen sink, tankless water heater and storage. They have air conditioning, heat and two televisions.
They can be shipped to your homesite here in San Angelo free from Beaumont. All this for $40,000. Of course, you'll have to find a lot to put it on. Check out this incredible "tiny home".
Check Out This Tiny House Available Now
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