Can You Legally Bury Your Dead Pet In The Backyard in Texas?
It is so sad when you lose a pet. The pain and grief of the loss can only be topped by the unquenchable desire to build a lasting monument to your lost friend. For many people, this just doesn't include the budget for a burial in a pet cemetery.
So what are the options. There are pet cremation services. When my cat Crimsa passed, we had her cremated and her cremains were put in a beautiful porcelain replica of what she looked like in life. It cost a few hundred bucks, but for me it was a fitting memorial that I treasure.
For many, spending money to bury a pet or have them cremated is just not an option. So, is it legal to bury your pet in the backyard in Texas? The answer is "yes", as long as the burial site is at least 3 feet deep.
According to the City of San Angelo website, deceased animals on private property are the property owner's responsibility, although for a fee many local animal hospitals will dispose of your pet's remains.

If you are going to entomb your pet in the backyard after death, it is required to bury or dispose of your pet within 48 hours. According to farewellpet.com, is is also a good idea to bury your pet in some kind of biodegradable bag or box. Plastic can take years to decompose. Most commercially available pet coffins are made of wood or cardboard and degrade much faster and in most cases are environmentally friendly.
While it may be legal to bury your dead beloved pet in the backyard, there are many reasons why it is NOT a good idea. If your pet was put to sleep, the drug that was administered could stay preserved in the remains of your pet for up to a year. Other pets or animals scavenging the burial site could be poisoned by the drug. If the animal passed from a disease, that disease could also be passed on in the same way.
This brings up another unpleasant possibility. If buried in the backyard, your pet could be dug up by other animals. That would be a devastating sight.
Loving a pet and wanting to memorialize them when they die is perfectly natural. It is a good idea to consider ahead of time what you will do when that horrible time should arrive. No one wants to think about it, but it can really help you deal with a very difficult situation.
In the meantime, love your pets and give them the best lives possible. Loving a pet is one of life's greatest privileges and pleasures. The love never really has to die.
LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state
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