Cheers, Texas! Crown Royal Has Made a Bottle Just For Dallas Cowboy Fans
Here in the great state of Texas, there are a couple of things you just better respect when talking about us. The Dallas Cowboys, also known as America’s team, are bigger than the Beatles and Beyoncé put together. So when someone pays tribute to the team we love (even when we hate 'em sometimes), it gets our attention.

Texans love their Dallas Cowboys, and we also love to have a really great time.
Right around football season is when Texans really begin to shine. We're still outside grilling because it's a religion here, but it's even more exciting because there's a game to watch. The drinks are most definitely flowing too, and while most of us opt for beer, the liquor usually comes out during the post-game.
Growing up, Crown Royal was my dad‘s choice of alcohol that was always in the house when we'd have parties, tailgates, or just social gatherings. I recently noticed that Crown Royal released a Dallas Cowboys edition bottle for cocktails, and Central Texas has been going insane talking about it all over social media ever since.
Even if you don't drink Crown, chances are you may have one of the nice bags the bottles come in. If you're a Cowboys fan, this is definitely a collectible you'll want to get your hands on.
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