A completely unscientific list purporting to contain the craziest people's names doesn't hold up under scrutiny, but it is getting people talking.

It bears repeating: this list is not scientifically proven. There is no proper source, nor is there any evidence that if your name is on this list, you're insane.

Here's the list of crazy women's names that's been making the rounds on Facebook:

  1. Ashley
  2. Shannon
  3. Melissa
  4. Allison
  5. Rebecca
  6. Mary
  7. Christina
  8. Kelly
  9. Victoria
  10. Stephanie
  11. Tiffany
  12. Elizabeth
  13. Lindsey
  14. Andrea
  15. Heather

And to be fair, there is a male equivalent to the list. Here are the top 15 names of crazy guys:

  1. Nick
  2. Mark
  3. Jeff
  4. Adam
  5. Tyler
  6. Travis
  7. Frank
  8. Bradley
  9. Brandon
  10. Mike (Michael)
  11. Scott
  12. Ryan
  13. Eric
  14. Tommy
  15. Matthew

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