The ‘Showdown in San Angelo’ Drag Boat Races is This Weekend
There's not much we love more than going to lake during the summer here in Texas. But, going to the lake to watch speed boat races could very well top that. That's just what you'll get this weekend at Lake Nasworthy at the Craig Partusch Memorial Showdown.
Just imagine the adrenaline that goes through each racer as they go side by side at about 250 miles per hour in this 'liquid quarter mile' event.
Considering it's going to be a hot weekend, might as well enjoy it at the lake while watching these crazy athletes go for the glory.
It all goes down Saturday and Sunday (22nd/23rd) at Lake Nasworthy in San Angelo. Tickets start at $20 and can be bought at Bug Express, Spring Creek Marina, and Joe's Ice House in San Angelo.
Gates open each day at 7am, so get there early and stay late for the best weekend ever at Lake Nasworthy.
Also, be sure to check out the Show-n- Shine, which is free to the public at Spring Creek Park By the HorseShoe on Friday, June 21st at 6:30 pm.
More information can be found here.
Wanna see how fast these boats actually go? Check out the video in the player at the top of the page.
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