It’s Beginning to Look Like A San Angelo Craigslist Christmas
Who says you need a big budget to find the perfect Christmas gift? Craigslist has been matching people with just the right items for years. Here are some incredible free items available now on Craigslist near San Angelo. Better hurry, these items won't last long
1) Jeremy The Show Chicken: The owner is giving away this prize show chicken. His name is Jeremy and he is a pretty boy. The owner implores: "Take him off my hand". This beautiful bird will turn the heads of every chicken in your neighborhood. What? There are no chickens in your neighborhood? Skip to #2
2) Free Chickens: The owner is moving back to North Dakota. There, the only birds that survive are penguins. These beautiful babes will keep you in omelets and probably keep Jeremy very satisfied. The owner says "They are very healthy and active little fellas" Get them before they fly out the door. Although, most chickens don't fly very well.
3) Little Pink toilet: They don't make them like this anymore. Seriously, go to Lowes or Home Depot and ask them if they have a pink toilet. Chances are there will be some giggling and then a polite "no". This pink toilet is perfect for your little pink houses. Wait, that's a John Mellencamp song. All this pink bowl needs is a fuzzy pink toilet seat cover. Now, that's the very definition of luxury.
4) Hundreds of cassettes: The owner says they've been stored in enclosed boxes so they are new looking and clean. An ACU professor gave them to the owner because it was the late 80's or 90's and they were using a lot of cassette tapes. Record your life story. Just pop down to the nearest Radio Shack and get yourself a cassette recorder. Rumor has it there's a Radio Shack in Junction. Figures.
5) Your Next Home!: If you have a truck big enough to haul this RV, then you can travel the country. I doubt that it has tires This travel trailer might be perfect if you don't mind that it's a little lopsided. Maybe you need a place to get away from the family. Just park it in your driveway or behind the house and hope your neighbors don't call the police.
6) It's a free Car: This 2005 Hyundai Accent runs. The owner says it "needs to go today". That is probably because whatever is leaking out of the underside of this vehicle is toxic. The owner admits this vehicle needs "some work", but the price is right. I am a little concerned about the hooded figure in the photo. Who exactly is giving away this vehicle? If it's the grim reaper, you might want to take a pass.
7) Free Sectional/Recliner Chairs: The ad says it all: "FREE FREE
Fully working sofa sectional and recliner chairs. Upholstery has peeled off in several areas due to Manufacturers Defect.
FREE. Must take all. FREE, Must pick up FREE" Ok, maybe the ad doesn't say it all. For example, I would like to know exactly why the upholstery peeled off in just those locations of the recliners. What exactly was going on there?
Imagine how incredible your holiday season can be with these free gems from Craigslist. It almost makes me nostalgic for the personals. On second thought, never mind.