Now Texas Won’t Even Have the Largest Buc-ee’s in the World

As listeners of my radio show know, I love Buc-ee's. Whenever we take a road trip and a Buc-ee's is along the way, we have to stop. What other gas station can you get gas, a BBQ sandwich, fudge, beef jerky, fine art, home goods and a grill?
And the restrooms? Always clean and very private.
While I love Buc-ee's, I'm also very annoyed with Buc-ee's. First, there aren't enough of them in Texas and there's only one planned for West Texas right now in Amarillo. Lubbock and Midland would be great spots too, but no, we're ignored and told to visit the closet location 294 miles away in Fort Worth.
When I think Buc-ee's, I think Texas. I think 'biggest gas station ever in Texas.' That brings me to my second disappointment with Buc-ee's. Soon, Texas will not even be home to the largest Buc-ee's in the world.
That means the world's largest gas station/convenience store is lost. New Braunfels is the current home of the largest Buc-ee's in the world, but soon that title will go to a new location in Tennessee. According to KXAN:
Currently, the New Braunfels store off Interstate 35 is the world’s largest convenience store, measuring more than 66,000 square feet worth of food, drinks, home goods, souvenirs, pristine bathrooms and whatever else a person might need at any given moment.
The company announced plans to build a massive 74,000-square-feet flagship store near Sevierville, Tennessee, a town of about 17,000 people east of Knoxville and just north of the Great Smoky Mountains.
The location sounds great and all, but it just seems wrong. Oh well. Maybe one day we will see Buc-ee's in West Texas. Until then, we will just have to visit down the road somewhere.
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