Top Ten Reasons Many Texans Don’t Like Spring
I can't imagine anyone who doesn't like springtime. Spring is undoubtedly a magical season here in Texas. The bluebonnets and many other colorful wildflowers and native cactus species bloom.
In San Angelo and around the state, it is rodeo season. There are many delicious foods, carnival rides, and the incredible action of rodeo events. Spring is the season to rediscover outdoor events, including hiking, fishing, and camping.
One of my favorite things about spring is the return of migratory birds to Texas. Hummingbirds and painted buntings arrive back in the state. A short drive to the coast, and there are a vast array of seabirds.
According to the tourist website tripsaavy, the best time to visit Texas is in early spring, between late March and April, for many of the reasons I mentioned earlier.
According to google trend searches nationwide, Spring is the most popular season in Texas. In fact, by this measure, Spring is the most popular season in 40 out of 50 states. Ten years ago, Fall was the most popular. It would seem people's sensibilities are changing about Spring.
With all this love and adulation, not everyone loves spring. In fact, there are some pretty valid reasons why some people in Texas loathe spring. Here are the top ten reasons.

Top 10 Reasons Texans Don't Like Spring
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