Rebel Wilson Hints at Fertility Struggles in Moving Instagram Post
Welcome to PopCrush's Daily Break! Here's a breakdown of today's hottest pop culture and lifestyle stories as heard on PopCrush Nights, airing across the country. Check out Rebel Wilson's moving Instagram post, The Weeknd's Grammys boycott and more, below.
Rebel Wilson Hints at Fertility Struggles
Rebel Wilson took to Instagram to hint at a struggle with infertility. The actress revealed she recently received some bad news, writing, "To all the women out there struggling with fertility, I feel ya." She ended her with: "I hope there's light about to shine through all the dark clouds."
National Paranormal Day Confirms Most Americans Believe in Ghosts
In a survey of 1,000 Americans, 80 percent said that they believe in ghosts, while 35 percent claimed they have seen a ghost in real life. When it comes to aliens, 12 percent think that the government is hiding information from the public. (via National Today)
May Is Now National Mental Health Awareness Month
President Biden has announced that May is now Mental Health Awareness Month. In a statement released by the White House, the President declared, "My administration is committed to ensuring that people living with mental health conditions are treated with compassion, respect, and understanding." (via The White House)
The Weeknd Still Planning on Boycotting the Grammys
Despite the recent disbandment of the secret Grammys committees, The Weeknd still says he will be boycotting the award show—and he encourages other artists to as well. "The trust has been broken for so long between the Grammy organization and artists that it would be unwise to raise a victory flag," he said. (via Just Jared)
Justin Theroux Hit By Van in NYC
Justin Theroux was hit by a van while skateboarding in NYC, and when he woke up he had temporary amnesia. Theroux discussed the details with Ellen DeGeneres, saying, "I had no clue who I was. I mean, I knew I was me, but I couldn’t remember my name and I couldn’t remember my phone number." (via Just Jared)
Husband Goes to Beauty School To Do Wife's Makeup and Hair
A Canadian man walked into a beauty school and asked to learn how to use a curling iron and apply mascara after his wife could no longer do it herself. The 80-year-old husband said that his wife's vision was failing and that she was hurting herself attempting to complete these self-care tasks, so he wanted to learn so he could do them for her. (via FOX News)
Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Reportedly Fighting Over Money
The Magic Mike franchise is apparently causing animosity between Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan. The two created the franchise during their marriage and are now at odds over how to split the assets. (via TMZ)
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