San Angelo One of Texas’ Most Expensive Cities?
We all hate to pay bills. It's getting harder and harder as salaries have had difficulty keeping up with the high rate of inflation that's been happening post-Covid. Recently, a company called doxoINSIGHTS has compared all US states on the costs of their bills.
Texas did not make the Top 10 Most or Top 10 Least expensive. More coming up.
First, according to the doxo study, 89% of Americans have seen increases in their household bills over the last 12 months. Utilities are rising fastest. The study also found that 87% of Americans worry about their ability to pay their bills if inflation increases.
The study found these bills are rising the fastest:
1) Utilities, power, lights, and water 77% say these costs are higher.
2) Cable/Internet 55% Our favorite stars aren't cheap.
3) Auto Insurance 43% (Someone should give Jake at State Farm a piece of their mind)
4) Health Insurance 40% At What point do these increases just become greed by hospitals and insurers?
5) Mobile Phones 35% say their mobile phone bills are higher.
Comparing April 2021 to April 2022, the total amount paid for the most common bills rose by 5%. Utilities were leading the way, especially those involving energy like heating oil, propane, and electricity.
Not surprisingly, 90% of Americans believe that inflation has negatively affected their financial health. On a brighter note, however, 70% of respondents reported that they have not needed to delay or skip0 any other household bills even with the increased price tag.
According to Forbes, the costs of bills in San Angelo are generally lower than the statewide average, but not everywhere in Texas. For example,
San Angelo's Cost of Living is
6% less than Dallas
5% more than San Antonio
5% more than Houston
6% higher than Abilene
7.43% higher than El Paso
7% higher than Lubbock
7.22% higher than Corpus Christi
12.69% higher than the Rio Grande Valley
13% higher than Austin
If San Angelo is 13% more expensive than Austin, you know something is off. Homes are 32% higher. Utilities are 37% higher in San Angelo. Transportation costs are 17% higher.
Back to the doxxo study. Texas is ranked 20th among US states in overall utility costs. The Most Expensive US states are:
1) Hawaii
2) California
3) New Jersey
4) Massachusetts
5) Maryland
The least expensive are:
1) West Virginia
2) Arkansas
3) Mississippi
4) Indiana
5) Kentucky
Surprisingly, San Angelo's Cost of Living is higher than many parts of Texas. Let's hope that the situation eases and that rising inflation rates cool off for the rest of 2023.

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