San Angelo City Elections This Saturday
San Angelo voters will go to the polls Saturday, May 6, to elect a mayor and representatives for four of the City Council’s six districts.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Election Day, when registered voters may go to any of the following 18 locations and vote in all the races for which they are eligible:
- Angelo Bible Church - 3506 Sherwood Way
- Belmore Baptist Church - 1214 S. Bell St.
- Calvary Baptist Church - 2401 Armstrong St.
- Community Medical Center - 3501 Knickerbocker Road
- Concho Valley Transit District (bus depot) - 510 N. Chadbourne St.
- SAF (First Assembly of God Church) - 1442 Edmund Blvd.
- Keating Paint & Body Shop - 5050 N. Chadbourne St.
- MHMR – 1501 W. Beauregard Ave.
- Paulann Baptist Church - 2531 Smith Blvd.
- San Angelo (Public) Housing Authority - 420 E. 28th St.
- Segunda Iglesia Bautista – 530 W. Avenue T
- Southland Baptist Church, 4300 Meadow Creek Trail
- Southgate Church of Christ - 528 Country Club Road
- St. Ambrose Catholic Church, 8602 Loop 570, Wall
- Texas Department of Transportation - 4502 Knickerbocker Road, Building E
- Veribest Baptist Church - 50 FM 2334, Veribest
- Wesley Trinity United Methodist Church - 301 W. 18th St.
- West Texas Rehabilitation Center - 1925 University Ave.
Election Day polling locations are also available on the City’s website at cosatx.us/May2017. Static and interactive maps of City Council districts can be found at costax.us/CityCouncil.
All voting will be done with electronic ballots on Election Day. Paper ballots were available only during early voting.
On May 6, voters citywide will elect a mayor to a four-year term. Residents in City Council Districts 2, 4 and 6 will also elect their City Council representative for the next four years. Voters in District 1 will elect a City Council member to serve the final two years of an unexpired term. Candidates for each office in the order they appear on the ballot are:
- Mayor: Brenda Gunter, Charlotte Farmer, Zach Taylor, Tony Villarreal.
- District 1: Bill Richardson, Darrin Fentress, Tommy Hiebert, Anna Bartosh.
- District 2: Tom Thompson.
- District 4: Chris Giroux, Lucy Gonzales.
- District 6: Rebekah Coffman, Billie F. Dewitt, Steve Hampton.
Photo identification is required to vote in Texas. Any of these is acceptable:
- Texas driver’s license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
- Texas Election Identification Certificate (issued by DPS).
- Texas personal identification card (issued by DPS).
- Texas license to carry a handgun (issued by DPS).
- U.S. military identification card containing the holder’s photo.
- U.S. citizenship certificate containing the holder’s photo.
- U.S. passport.
With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the identification must be current or have expired no more than four years before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place.
Voters who do not possess and cannot reasonably obtain an ID can fill out a declaration at the polls explaining why. They also must bring one of the following supporting documents:
- Valid voter registration certificate.
- Certified birth certificate (must be an original).
- Copy of or an original of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check or paycheck.
- Copy of or an original of a government document with your name and an address. The original is required if it contains a photograph.
Voters with a disability may apply with the Elections Office for a permanent exemption to showing an ID at the polls. Voters with a religious objection to being photographed or voters who do not have an ID because of a natural disaster may apply for a temporary exemption to showing an ID. For more information regarding voter IDs, visit voteTexas.gov.
For more information, visit voteTomGreenCounty.org or cosatx.us/elections.
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