Shannon Medical Center and the Regional Cancer Treatment Center are hosting a celebration in honor of National Cancer Survivors Day on Tuesday, June 9th. The event starts at 10AM, and will last until 12PM. It wil be in the lobby of the Shannon Medical Plaza, 102 N. Magdalen. Everyone in the community who has been diagnosed, survived, and families and friends of survivors are invited to attend.

National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated on June 7th, and 2015 marks the 28th annual celebration. The day is set aside for all those that have been touched with a cancer diagnosis. This doesn't just mean the cancer patient themselves, but families, friends, and loved ones. This is an opportunity for cancer survivors and supporters to gather together in their community and raise awareness of the issues around cancer survivorship, to celebrate life, to serve as an inspiration, bring hope and to reach out to others dealing with similar situations.

There are over 14 million folks alive today after being diagnosed with cancer. Yes, you read that correctly: MILLION, and that is just in America. With technological advances, especially in the medical field, more people than ever are surviving a cancer diagnosis. However, that doesn't make things any easier. There are so many other problem that survivors have to deal with that we sometimes don't consider. NCDS points out,

Physical, emotional, and financial hardships often persist for years after diagnosis and treatment. Cancer survivors are also at greater risk for developing second cancers and other health conditions... Add to that emotional struggles, strains on personal relationships, and the profound fear of cancer recurrence. The effects of cancer don’t simply end when treatment does.

With this in mind, we invite anyone who has been touched by cancer, directly or indirectly, to come out to celebrate life and hope, and to raise awareness in the Concho Valley.

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