
Military Dad Surprises Family In Front of 85,000 at College Football Game
Military Dad Surprises Family In Front of 85,000 at College Football Game
Military Dad Surprises Family In Front of 85,000 at College Football Game
When Tammy Faile and her two children were chosen as the military family of the game for South Carolina's match up Saturday against the University of Georgia, they probably expected some sort of message from their husband and father Sgt. First Class Scott Faile, who is stationed in South Korea. And that's what they got at halftime, a video message on the University of South Carolina’s Williams-Bri
High School Football Team Makes Special Needs Student Manager
High School Football Team Makes Special Needs Student Manager
High School Football Team Makes Special Needs Student Manager
Sure, high schoolers can be cruel sometimes. But every now and then, young people will rally around someone who's different and give them the support they need. Students at Linden High School in Michigan, for example, have appointed a senior with special needs as the school's football team manager.