
Is It Illegal to Cuss Out A Fast Food Employee in Texas?
Is It Illegal to Cuss Out A Fast Food Employee in Texas?
Is It Illegal to Cuss Out A Fast Food Employee in Texas?
No specific laws in Texas make it illegal to use profanity or "cuss out" a fast food or other service worker. That doesn't mean being rude or abusive to a service worker in our state or anywhere else is totally free of consequences. According to the Texas Penal Code, it is clear that certain behaviors, including the use of abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language in a public place, can be illegal.
Is It Illegal to Buy or Sell Human Bones or Organs in Texas?
Is It Illegal to Buy or Sell Human Bones or Organs in Texas?
Is It Illegal to Buy or Sell Human Bones or Organs in Texas?
There is a website called JonsBones where you can purchase human "osteology." According to JonsBones, the best sellers include vertebrae, rib bones, femur bones, and human teeth. They'll sell you any bone you want. However, eBay did ban human bone sales back in 2016. Is it legal to buy or sell human bones in Texas?
Can A Bumper Sticker Get You A Ticket in Texas?
Can A Bumper Sticker Get You A Ticket in Texas?
Can A Bumper Sticker Get You A Ticket in Texas?
There is also some research to suggest that the content of specific stickers can make your vehicle more prone to vandalism or theft. With all that in mind, if you insist on expressing yourself with a sticker on your vehicle, is it possible that sticker could get you a ticket in Texas?

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