Water Bill Late Fees Resume as of Today, June 1st
The City of San Angelo’s Water Utilities department, after allowing the past two months payments to have no late fees imposed, are about to resume charging late fees as of today, June 1st.
The Water Utilities department will not be disconnecting services for late payments in June, but will be charging a 15% late fee.
Any customers who are behind on their bills can reach out to the Water Customer Service representatives at (325) 657-4323 to set up a payment plan if necessary.
Keep in mind that starting July 1st, the department will go back to disconnecting water service as a result of nonpayment.
The City is taking applications for rent/mortgage assistance to help with COVID-19-related recovery but you must make an appointment. For more information, and to access the RMA guidelines, brochure and application, click on cosatx.us/chs or to set up an appointment, call (325) 655-0824.