Update: Brandon King has claimed in a new interview that he was not the one who sent the racist message to T.J. Vasher even though it came from his Facebook account. Confused? Here's what he's saying happened.

Original Story: The Monday after the Red Raiders played West Virginia, TJ Vasher, who caught two touchdowns this weekend against the Mountaineers, tweeted a screenshot of a racist Facebook message from a now-former corrections officer in West Virginia.

Below is the screenshot Vasher tweeted out. (You can see the uncensored screenshot at Vasher's Twitter page.)

racist tweet at T.J. Vasher
T.J. Vasher via Twitter

Sports hate is a crazy thing.

It's widely accepted to hate other teams because they play your favorite squad in a certain sport. In college athletics, the hate is compounded because they play the same mascot in every single major sport. Sports hate is a gray area where you can make fun of the opposing teams star player or write hilarious signs about the coach.

Sports hate is good-natured ribbing. This message is not sports hate. It's hate hate.

This isn't anything except going and seeking out a 19-year-old kid to try and make his life as miserable as yours is.

The deal with hate hate is that there are very real consequences, and if you send private messages to a stranger on the internet, your real life could be affected.

The internet isn't a fairy land. It's reality.

RedRaiderSports.com has reported that Brandon King has already been fired.

You might think the lesson here is to not be an idiot on the internet, and even though that's a great lesson, it isn't the main take away. The real lesson here is to not be a scumbag like Brandon King.

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