Hey, It's Glenn Garza, otherwise known as "Dubba G" and/or "hey you." I've been rocking the Borderland for a while now. Consequently, I know all the best bars, where to find the best steaks, tacos, junk food, and I’ve always got the lowdown on local bands and concerts. You could say I am a nice guy to know. Really, you could. Go ahead, give it a shot! Rumors to the contrary started (I think by the Russians), are simply not true. When I’m not rockin' the Borderland, I’m either on the Harley or out in the desert shooting. All that, along with trying to see every band ever live, keeping a handful of area bars in business and occasionally doing something I was actually hired to do, keep me running. Rock with me weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Concert, bar hopping, shooting and riding hours vary wildly.
Dubba G
Are Texas Prison Inmates Really Being “Cooked” To Death?
Prison inmates in Texas are often locked in cells without air conditioning and temperatures inside the jails are getting hotter by the day.
By 2100, Texas Will Be Smaller – Because It’s Sinking
There are certain parts of Texas you might to avoid moving too in, or get out of by, 2100.
This Texas Man Has Seen WAY More Total Eclipses Than You
Eclipses are pretty common but, since they can't all be seen from every part of the earth, they are actually kind of uncommon. This Texas man has seen the most.
Life Saving Advice For The Solar Eclipse In El Paso
The upcoming eclipse will bring an unexpected, potentially fatal, danger to El Paso ... here's how to prevent it.
Best Selling Pot Dispensary In New Mexico Owes It All To Texas
OK, they may not owe Texas everything but Sunland Park marijuana dispensaries do owe us a solid. I'll take mine in gummies please.
Is El Paso The Most Obese City In Texas?
The most obese city in the USA is in Texas.
3 Of The Biggest And Smallest Things In Texas
They say everything is bigger in Texas but for every big thing, much like Newton's 3rd law says, there's got to be a small one.
You Can Travel The World Without Ever Leaving Texas
Ok, you can't literally travel the world within Texas but you can say you've been to faraway places without leaving that Texas hospitality.
Texas’ Famous Horny Toads Are Disappearing. But Why?
They're not that big, kinda creepy looking and perfect for scaring girls and wimps. They're also nowhere near as plentiful in Texas as they once were.
A Texas City Is One Of The Safest College Towns In America
Only 1 city in Texas made this list of safest college cities in the USA. El Paso, consistently ranked a "safest city", wasn't it. WTH?