Each day millions of people go hungry throughout Texas, the United States, and the world. We have a chance to fight back against hunger in the Concho Valley. Each donation that you make to the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 9th, helps one more child, one more elderly citizen, one more family.

The San Angelo Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive benefits the Concho Valley Regional Food Bank, which helps many Concho Valley families in need. Each day people suffer from hunger for many reasons, but we can help. They are serving approximately 800 kids in SAISD Elementary Schools, Grape Creek ISD, Miles ISD, Veribest ISD, and Wall ISD, as well as other families in need.

All you have to do is leave your non-perishable food donation by your mail box this Saturday. You can also take your food donation to either San Angelo Post Office location on Abe Street or Loop 306. Please remember that the items must be non-perishable, and no glass containers, frozen food, or home canned items will be accepted. This helps provide food safety to the recipients.

This annual Food Drive is brought to you by the National Association of Letter Carriers, U. S. Postal Service, United Way of the Concho Valley and Concho Valley Regional Food Bank.

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