The Shocking Reason You Might See Loofah On Cars in San Angelo
I, for one, would never hang my dirty loofah out to dry in public. That's why I was so confused when I recently stopped for gas at a truck stop and saw a car next to me with two loofahs attached.
I guess I'm always the last to know these things. This was a big thing back in February. How did I miss it, then? I'm like a guy in the V8 commercials, hitting myself in the head.
Last year, I wrote a story about the upside-down pineapple. It turns out this is the 2023 version of the same story. The whole thing with the loofahs apparently started at a Florida retirement village called The Villages. A retirement village, really?!
That's not how these things usually work. It's typically hormonal young people who start trends like this, not seniors. Now, that story I read somewhere on the internet last week makes sense—the one about STD rates being highest in senior communities nationwide.
The different colored loofahs are even supposed to signify particular needs.
There is another explanation. Since older adults sometimes forget where they park their cars in parking lots, some of them don't even remember what kind of car they drive after a few hours in Walmart; the theory is some of them are tying loofas to their vehicles to help find them.
Judging from the serious side eye I got from the couple at the truck stop, that's not what's going on.
The loofah on the car thing is going national. I'll be watching people in parking lots a lot more closely now.
To each his own, I suppose. Do whatever makes you happy. Hang a loofah on your car. If anyone disgusting asks, tell them you put it there to help find your vehicle in a crowded parking lot. At least you'll have plausible deniability.
It could also come in handy on car wash day. Don't say you weren't warned.